Monday, April 6, 2009

first time holding ben

This is the first time we got to hold ben, from today!

We are so grateful to God for helping our guy get better, keep praying that they can both come home soon...


Kate Van said...

Oh gosh- that makes me cry! i can't imagine holding him days after his birth! I'm praying for you guys!

Katie Virginia Battaglia said...

how precious those first moments are. i'm so glad you finally got to hold him. those boys are so loved by their mommy and daddy!

Elka Vignette Swingle said...

Yea! What a precious moment to finally get to hold Ben...I have no doubt that it did him good to snuggle up close to his mommy and daddy. We're praying for you guys to keep hanging in there while your boys are in the hospital. You are doing a great job of being a presence in their lives right now, even when they aren't home with you. I know that the love and care they get from you every day is helping them get stronger and's to continued health, growth, and strength for those sweet little boys!

AmyB said...

HOW SWEET! So happy for you guys!

Mimi said...

Keeping you guys in prayer.