Saturday, October 30, 2010

Update October, 30th

Here is just a quick update on my dad:

He has been in bed the last few days. He didn't open his eyes at all yesterday and hasn't eaten in a couple days now. Tuesday morning he opened his eyes while I was there for a bit. He looked confused and his eyes are cloudy. He couldn't communicate and could barely suck the juice up the straw. He is having a difficult time with mucus in his throat and begins to cough a lot when he drinks something, if he is able to swollow. He doesn't have the strength to cough much up, the nurse gave us some medicine to help it. It is a patch to put behind his ears so that he doesn't have to swollow it. He did mumble and move his lips in the motion of ,"I love you, Katie," before I left.

It is definitely on my brain that these may be the last words that I hear my dad "say". I think that I am at peace with that. They are the perfect words to hear. I am so grateful that other than when he is coughing, he doesn't seam to have much pain. He is sleeping almost constantly now, which is much better that being awake and uncomfortable.

He hasn't been able to take his meds, that that is concern for a seizure. Please pray that the Lord would be merciful in taking him. That his passing would be peaceful and while he is sleeping. This would be much better than a violent seizure. Also pray for peace with the family. Anxiety is running high in a lot of us.

Thank you for your prayers.


Diane said...


I am praying often for you and your family.


Grandma said...

The Good Shepherd is carrying His wounded sheep in His arms, protecting and loving and giving His peace that passes all human understanding. May His stream of love encapsulate your whole family as you walk through these hard places. You are all special treasures.

Heatherelle said...

Praying for you all, Katie. Love you!

Lizzy said...

oh, dear Katie...we love your family so much. please know we are praying for a peace that passes all understanding for your hearts and that your dad would enter eternity in that same peace. love you.

Gail said...

You and yours are in my thoughts, heart and prayers. Love you so much.

leedomfamily said...

We are praying for God's overwhelming peace and thanking Him for being alive and living in all of you! You and your family have always been a powerful testimony to the goodness and power of our compassionate holy Father! We love you guys!!